The Daily Adventures of Mixerman
The Daily Adventures of Mixerman
Day 31 The Inevitable Meltdown
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Dumb Ass attempts to micromanage Blisters drumming, which causes a rift in the band.
Episode Credits:
Dumb Ass played by Kenny Gioia (Marcy Playground, Hall & Oates)
Fingaz played by Tim Gilles aka Slipperman (Taking Back Sunday, Thursday)
Yore played by Dylan Dresdow (Usher, Black Eyed Peas, Nas)
Mixerman leitmotif by Aardvark (Aardvark)
Dumb Ass leitmotif by Aardvark and Mixerman
Fingaz leitmotif by Mixerman
Yore leitmotif by William Wittman (Cyndi Lauper, Joan Osborne)
Dumb Ass' atrocious drumming performed by Jon Stuart
Blister's drumming performed by Jon Stuart
Guitar parts written and performed by Chase McGuckin
Bass parts written and performed by Chase McGuckin
Narrated by Mixerman
Produced by Aardvark (the best producer in the world) and Mixerman